Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Real New York City

...god bless graffiti...

I Have Just One Thing To Say..."Seriously?????"

(photo courtesy of Jason Speenburgh..with much love and gratitude)

What is the reason for this phenomenon. It just looks ridiculous and can't be comfortable!

"Can I Walk?"

broken signs in Astoria

This Would Never Happen in New York City

In the Boston subway (or the "T", as they call it), we actually saw this suggestion box. In New York City, they would NEVER care about suggestions...

...Just Wrong...

I Don't Know About You, But This Would Take Me Five Years To Do...

Does This Make You Horny???

...Ya gotta love Provincetown...

A Little Conflicting...

Vegans, vegetarians and big-time carnivores...
living in harmony at Karoo Kafe...
in Provincetown

I'd Open an Account Here...

We saw this bank in Provincetown..I am sure they get a lot of deposits...